Hint 1: Finding the Clue
Are you in the right place? Review the Clue #5 hints to make sure. You should be on the Harbor Steps, which are on University Street between Western and First Avenues. Here it is on Google Maps.
Another hint
You may need to walk up the stairs to find the green umbrella!
Hint 2: Multicolored Cypher
This cypher goes with a tool in your backpack. Does the font look familiar?
Another hint
Use the scrambled keyboard to solve the cypher. Now, what do those colors mean?
Another hint
The colors represent different relationships between the keyboard and the text. I’d pull up a picture of a normal keyboard for reference.
Another hint
Each color is a different “direction” of transformation. If you’re having trouble keeping it straight, try writing out the whole alphabet and its transformations.
Another Hint: Purple Letters
To decode a purple letter, find it on the scrambled keyboard and then write down what letter should be there in a normal keyboard. This is your decoded letter.
Another Hint: Blue Letters
To decode a blue letter, find where it should be on a normal keyboard and then write down the scrambled letter that is there instead. This is your decoded letter.
Another Hint: First Word
The first word is “The“!
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The full decoded message is: “The combination is MEDYK.” Use this on the combination lock!
Hint 3: Opening the Lockbox
That tool you got is a lockpick!
Another hint
If you don’t know how to use a lockpick, try googling some videos to learn. Here is one I like, but find what works for you.
Another hint
This is hardly a hint, it’s really just encouragement! Don’t be intimidated. This is easier than it looks and the lockbox only has two pins. Try again! 🙂
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If you are really stuck, don’t sweat it. Text Audrey and she’ll bring you a key.
Hint 4: What now?
You should find some treats and a note inside the box. I’d love to hear about your experience with the hunt if you don’t mind sharing. Text me, Audrey, at 804-239-3714 and I’ll come meet you!