Hint 1: Finding the clue
Your first step is to “match this view.” Do you see anything searchable in the image?
Another hint
Hm, that website is decrepit. This is because Audrey took this photo in 2021! Currently that apartment complex is called Griffis Seattle Waterfront.
Another hint
Look for the glass globes behind the building, in Post Alley.
Another hint
If you can’t find anything that looks like a clue, make sure you’re matching the image’s angle closely.
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Walk up the stairs onto the footbridge. Do you see anything purple?
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You’re looking for a hide-a-key lockbox painted purple, locked to the footbridge railing. It should look like this:
Hint 2: What to do
Looks like you need a four-digit number to open the hide-a-key. Time for that “more information!” Why is the word some bolded?
Another hint
You’ll need to sum the three numbers. Hint: you’ll want to count all the globes, not just the ones in the picture.
Another hint
Seattle was founded in 1851, the Exchange Building has 23 floors, and there are 48 globes.
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The code is 1922. Use this code to open the hide-a-key. Put the code in, then pull the lever on the left to open the box.
Hint 3: Where to go next
Inside the hide-a-key box, you’ll find a strong magnet on a string and an instruction card. The image on the card is below. Does the purple outline look familiar? Make sure you hold it so that you can read the text.
Another hint
The purple outlines the Seattle shoreline, with an X over where you should go next. Compare against Google Maps to find the right spot!
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The X is at the very tip of Pier 56. Here is the location on Google Maps. Don’t forget to bring the magnet with you!